Profile 11 with S-PMSI
Load basic.profile11.cfg
Configure the core so that customer multicast traffic is only delivered to PEs that have interested receivers. In other words, only PEs that have (*, G) or (S, G) state in the C-PIM for that group.
To verify, join group on C3, and ping this from C2 with size 1400 and timeout 1. This will create a flow that exceeds 1kbps.
This works the same as with profile 3. Configuration is the same, and the data MDT switchover happens using the type 3 route.
Ping from C2, which C3 has joined. PE2 will send a type 3 route indicating that it is switching over to the new data MDT group.
This is no different than we saw with S-PMSI in profile 3. The only difference between profile 3 and profile 11 is that the PEs don’t form C-PIM adjacencies in profile 11. The data MDT P-PIM group is signaled via BGP ipv4/mvpn route type 3 in both cases. Remember that in profile 0, the data MDT is signaled via the default MDT as a UDP message.
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