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Load hvpls.bgp.init.cfg
Configure H-VPLS using BGP for both autodiscovery and signaling where possible. BGP l2vpn/vpls is already configured in the core.
R1, R3, and R5 are the U-PEs, and R2, R4, and R6 are the N-PEs. Each U-PE should only peer to the N-PE one number higher (i.e. R1 to R2, etc).
This lab prompt is kind of a trick question. The N-PE VPLS domain is a full mesh, so BGP autodiscovery can be used for the N-PE↔N-PE PWs. However, BGP autodiscovery cannot be used on the N-PE↔U-PE PWs, because BGP autodiscovery turns split horizon on. We can only turn split horizon off with a manually specified neighbor under the BD.
Unfortunately BGP signaling cannot be used in the N-PE full mesh because we cannot mix BGP-signaled PWs with LDP-signaled PWs in the same bridge domain.
Therefore, the “best” we can do is to use BGP autodiscovery for the N-PEs, and then continue manually specifying manual PW neighbors for all the U-PE↔N-PE pseudowires. All PWs in the topology will be LDP signaled.
Verification is the same as the previous lab. The only difference is that the N-PEs are forming a full mesh of PWs using autodiscovery instead of manual neighbors.
You can also verify EIGRP on the CEs: